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So far admin has created 17 blog entries.

How Much Pain Will I Be in After Liposuction?


Pain varies considerably from person to person. For most, it feels like having a giant bruise in the area that was treated. It shouldn’t be so severe that it keeps you from concentrating on other things (reading, watching TV, walking, etc.).  For people who have realistic expectations of pain (i.e., there will be some because you [...]

How Much Pain Will I Be in After Liposuction? 2019-06-02T15:51:26+00:00

FUE Hair Transplantation


Hair is an important complement of visual beauty, over time, it can be lost due to genetic predisposition or different causes. Stress, drug use, hormonal disorders or anemia are among these reasons. Even if these diseases are cured, especially because of genetic predisposition, the hair after a while, may cause the head to be completely [...]

FUE Hair Transplantation 2019-02-19T14:27:31+00:00

Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery


When we look at human physiology, we can see two halves of the body are not symmetrical. These small differences apply to the structure of the breast and should be remembered to be completely natural. In some people, however, this is more than normal and is expressed as asymmetry. Breast asymmetry is the name given [...]

Breast Asymmetry Correction Surgery 2019-02-18T15:18:18+00:00

Aesthetic Procedures After Obesity Surgery


Obesity, which is one of the diseases that many people have to fight across the world, poses a danger to the life of the patient. The increasing eating demand, especially due to stress, causes people to lose their saturation feeling after a while. This situation increasingly gets out of control and becomes a weight problem. [...]

Aesthetic Procedures After Obesity Surgery 2018-12-08T01:48:31+00:00

Genital Region Aesthetics


Genital Region Aesthetics is the aesthetic operation performed in the inner and outer view of the vagina in order to correct the shape disorders of women's genitals, adjust the size of the vagina, and ensure that women have orgasms. Who can have genital region aesthetics? Genital region Aesthetics can be applied to two different groups [...]

Genital Region Aesthetics 2018-12-08T01:46:14+00:00

Liposuction Surgery with Lipomatic in Istanbul, TURKEY


There are several methods to get rid of excess weight and highly fat rate in the body, which is a common problem of a massive part of society. Generally, people who have weight problems, firstly apply to a nutritional program according to body type, gender and age. If the diets supported by sportive activities are [...]

Liposuction Surgery with Lipomatic in Istanbul, TURKEY 2019-02-19T14:29:24+00:00

Arm & Thigh Lift Surgery


Arm lift surgery is applied to inner arm, thigh lift surgery is applied to inner groin. The operation performed by focusing on the folding skin, therefore, this is highly important surgery. Aging, which is one of the basic laws of the life is one of the inevitable cycles. After a certain age, the sagging of [...]

Arm & Thigh Lift Surgery 2018-12-08T01:54:35+00:00

Lipedema Surgery in Istanbul, TURKEY


Lipedema is a clinical problem which is abnormally accumulated fat on hip, leg, thigh, calves and arm. Lipedema surgery is the removal of extremely fat tissue by liposuction without damaging the veins and lymph ducts. It occurs after the adolescence, estimated with the effects of estrogen and progesterone hormones. The fat is irregularly distributed under [...]

Lipedema Surgery in Istanbul, TURKEY 2019-02-19T14:30:48+00:00

Brazilian Buttocks Lift (BBL) Surgery in Istanbul Turkey


Brazilian Buttocks Lift (BBL) is a plastic surgery that includes all of the various filling, lifting or shrinking processes to reach an ideal hip form. Shape of hips varies according to body structure. There are 4 different hip structures; round, rectangular, A-shaped, V-shaped. The most commom type is rounded hip, almost 40 percent of the [...]

Brazilian Buttocks Lift (BBL) Surgery in Istanbul Turkey 2019-02-19T14:25:34+00:00



Prominent ear is a problem that occures when the angles between head and ear is more than usual. Although it does not any disadvantages in terms of health, it may have negative effects on phychological aspects. People who have prominent ear, especially from 5-6 ages, may suffer lack of self-confidence, body dysmorpfic disorder, anxiety and [...]

Otoplasty 2018-12-08T01:46:37+00:00
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