Revision Rhinoplasty
Although most people feel excellent with their primary rhinoplasties, many of them are disappointed with undesirable outcome. At this point, revision rhinoplasty corrects functional issues and eliminates unhappiness. Revision rhinoplasty is a ‘correction’ operation; which repairs aesthetic and functional problems.
When revision rhinoplasty should be done?
• If your breathing is poor or have nasal obstraction,
• If you are not aesthetically satisfied when you look at the mirror,
• If your nose tip is low or extremely retrousse,
• If you think you have aquiline or curved nose,
• If your nose tip seems to compressed with latch, then you can have revision operation.
Operation period may have changed depending on condition and construction of the nose.
During detailed examination; to be able to meet your expectations, we will discuss why you want to have revision rhinoplasty, what aesthetic concerns you live through and why you unsatisfied with your operation results.
Revision rhinoplasty can be mini-process under local anesthesia within 20 minutes or complex-process under general anesthesia within 2-4 hours. Detailed examination shows which process should have done.
What are the risks that may occur during and after the revision rhinoplasty?
If you have surgical operation, this implementations may contain a number of risks and complications. To avoid these possible risks, determinated analyses are done before surgery. Poor breathing, repeated nose-bleeding, numbness in nose can be risks of revision rhinoplasty.
What are the benefits of revision?
After second surgery, patients say that they feel much better when they look at the mirror and gain self-confidence and happiness. Another reason of repeated surgery is nasal obstraction. Our patients who complain about nasal obstraction also breathe comfortably after revision.
What awaits you after revision rhinoplasty?
After revision rhinoplasty, bruises in the eyes and eyelids may occur. But do not worry about it, this situation is temporary. You supposed to stay at hospital one day in case of possible complications. It is enough to use splint just for 7 days to avoid your nose from external pressure and speed up the healing process.
What do you need to pay attention at the recovery process after revision rhinoplasty?
The patients whom operated revision rhinoplasty, must avoid physical activies such as (jogging, dancing, swimming, gymnastics) which can be possibly damaged to nose until full recovery is supplied. During the recovery process, you should not wear glasses at least 6 weeks in order not to pressure on your nose. As soon as the swelling down, you can continiue your sport activities and daily routine.